Did you know that Sharks, Penguins, and Eagles all can be friends? This year first graders from classrooms at Schafer, North, and Ardmore have been writing letters to each other all year as pen pals. Mrs. Templeton’s class at Schafer have been pen pals with Mrs. Stern’s class at North, Mrs. Campbell’s class at Schafer have been pen pals with Mrs. Guare’s class at North, and Mrs. Pine’s class at Schafer have been pen pals with Mrs. Lobdell’s class at Ardmore. On Wednesday May 3rd, they all were finally able to meet in person! It was the perfect day to have visitors as the first grade celebrated their GUESTS by playing GAMES on ‘G’ day during Schafer’s ABC Countdown. They also enjoyed time playing on the playground and chatting over a snack. “The best part was seeing the kids show their new friends around the classroom and see the instant bonds they made,” shared first grade teacher Susan Campbell. “Just looking at the pictures, the kindness you see is so genuine. Plus, having pen pals was also a great way to see the growth in my students’ writing skills throughout the year. Mrs. Guare and I can’t wait to do it again next year.”