Summer Resources
The teachers at Schafer School strive to make learning meaningful and enjoyable for your child during the school year! Your child has also worked hard this school year, and has made great gains in learning. In order to maintain the skills learned this year and to be prepared for next school year, your child’s teacher has prepared some activities to be completed over the summer. These activities are important as they include skills your child needs to practice for the next grade level. Packets were sent home during the last week of school, however can be access here as well.
Please support your child by ensuring their summer learning continues by having them complete the activity packet. The packet can be completed throughout the summer by focusing on a couple of pages per week. These completed activities and books should be returned to your child’s teacher next year in August at either Meet the Teacher or the first week of school. Families that return the completed packet in entirety will be awarded with a special surprise.
Studies have shown that students who continue to read and learn over the summer months will either maintain or increase their reading level. In contrast, students who do not continue learning over the summer show a sharp decline in their reading level when they return to school. Reading, writing and math are fun and it is important to continue learning over the summer! We wish you a safe, fun and happy summer! See you in August!
Schafer Staff