On Friday March 17th, our 2nd grade sharks walked into their classrooms to find their classrooms had been transformed into bakeries. As they looked around, they saw an apron and chef hat waiting at their seat. The classrooms filled with excitement as each student put on their very own apron and chef hat. As the math block began, the students were ready to begin running The Array Bakery! During their time, student chefs were faced with tasks to practice their repeated addition and multiplication skills. The activities included: Bakery Inventory: writing repeated addition/multiplication sentences for various arrays, Measurement Mystery: finding totals of equal groups, Sprinkle Groups: using manipulatives to divide a number into equal groups, and Cake Dec-array-ting: creating arrays and writing matching number sentences. Mrs. Johnson, 2nd grade teacher, shared, “They loved moving around, socializing, and challenging themselves to do multiplication and repeated addition. The students thought the best part was being able to keep their chef’s hat and apron.” Ms. Arenas shared that most of her students liked the cupcake decoration with stickers. They were making some for their parents, another for a sibling, and some even mentioned their grandparents. This was such a great way to review math concepts and continue to make memories together.